Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here's a link to a dance we didn't watch last night in class. The rehearsal to a dance by Singaporean believers. The song is ARMS OF AN ANGEL. I think you'll really like it.

I was sooo stressed out planning for this class. It didn't seem like anything was coming together. You have seen my demonstrations of my dance ability last night (the BUNNY HOP!) So, I'm sure you know why giving you and evening of dance overview caused fear and trepidation! I wasn't finding much of worth on YouTube, people I'd asked for help weren't available, didn't get back to me or gave me video tapes (my vcr is broken) or vcd's that wouldn't play. After surfing and reading and calling and reasearching and making copies of wikipedia info, and running around town, an hour before class I was wondering what was going to happen... But then, it all worked out!

Jaqueline showed up with a dvd and pitched in with input and demonstrations.
We watched her video from 2004 Dance Collective (a variety of styles and ability), and saw some of the highlights I'd found on YouTube (my favourite was Mustard Seeds 10th Anniversary). Come next week to meet Elaine Chan (you saw her dance in that improv dance from Dance Collective) and hear from her about her philosophy of dance as ministry.

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