Thursday, September 03, 2009

Friends who are passionate about Jesus and Theatre!

Last Thursday thru Sat Dr. Dale Savidge* came to Singapore and we had a great intensive class : PERFORMING THE SACRED at TCA College (where I have the privilege of teaching the theatre courses for students who want to use creative arts in ministry:                                  

(see FB group page for photos). We're all exhausted, but full from great fresh insight on the relationship between Christianity and Theatre, as well as collaborating with one another on bringing Scripture to life in creative ways.

Then, yesterday, Wednesday - Theatre Practitioners had a "Uniquely Singapore City Tour"
Working professionals in theatre and performing arts had a full day of tourism and hanging out. It was a good excuse to get together, know one another better, and be mutually encouraged by taking Dr. Savidge around out town.

Tonight: Drama as Ministry Fellowship
A casual gathering of those who use Theatre in ministry - or would like to. Held at Hope Church Singapore, Cuppage Plaza, top floor auditorium. A great opportunity to meet up with others who share your passion, and meet Dr. Savidge with some Q&A follow up to the PERFORMING THE SACRED class last week (for those who missed it!). If you've recently presented something for worship, or have a short script that's getting polished up, or have produced a short video for worship, bring it along as a show-and-tell to inspire us! (text ahead of time, so we can plan accordingly!)

Check out the Facebook group page for details! (join the group too!) 

(Photos from our first showcase workshop May 2nd)

Hope we get to see you this week!

For the CITA SIngapore team,

K!Mberly Creasman
Theatre Practitioner/Explorer
Church Resource Ministries

*Info on Dr. Savidge & TCA College, Certificate in Higher Education in Creative Arts:

Dr. Savidge was brought out for TCA's 30th Anniversary celebrations starting later this week. I've known and respected Dale since 1992 when I joined CITA (a 20+ year old organization for networking and resourcing Christians in Theatre Arts). He wrote the chapter on theatre in Amour Publishing's SIGHTS & SOUNDS: A Christian Response to Media and the Arts (local) and helped us in designing the theatre courses for the college. He has 2 masters degrees and a PhD in English and Theatre, and has his own arts management company representing some extremely talented actors in USA (including Rich Swingle  who came from New York to be in the cast of Judah Ben Hur years ago, and & Bruce Kuhn who came through a few years ago to do his Gospel of Luke in a few venues and teach a worshop on Biblical Storytelling at GBST.)

If you want to read more about Dr. Savidge, Here's the link to the CITA leadership page on the Christians in theatre Website. But trust me. He's not only well connected to what Christians are doing in theatre, and extremely smart, he's also just an all around great man.