Tuesday, November 07, 2006

2. After some kind of warm up, you want to start with some “short forms.” You tell the group one of your own favourite stories of how someone built you up or ministered to you. Then you ask them to remember a time when another Christian was truly the hands or feet of Christ to them. One person, Joseph, volunteers this information: “When I was out of a job, someone in my cell group helped me get a new position.” You probe and Joseph isn’t willing to share much else except that this person was generous with time and expertise. Gave Joseph a boost of confidence. You ask a few more questions to probe “Do you want to share the name of this person?” “Is there anything else about their helping you that you want to share?” “How did their help make you feel?” He gives you short answers, and there isn’t much of a story in what he shares.

What short form would you suggest the actors use?

Describe how you imagine it played out.


Anonymous said...


Using the minor details given, I’d suggest the players use a 3 Sentence Story to play back Joseph’s experience.

When the conductor gives the cue “Let’s watch”, I imagine the first actor stepping forward. He would say in frustration “No job. No money. Aimless. O Lord, what do I do now?” The second actor would come up to represent the conflicting mind of the teller. Facing right, he would enthusiastically say “A good position? Yes…”, but would revert to the other side saying, “But I don’t know. Can I?” I imagine the last actor coming forward to play Joseph’s friend from his cell group. He would stretch out his hand and reassuringly encourage with “Here let me help you. God is with you brother!”.


WILLIAM said...

2) Setting: The 3 players will be seated in a straight row facing the audience; as the Conductor will be seated quite a distance from the players but next to the interviewee.

Using the short form, I advice the players to use short sentence for Joseph's playback.

The Conductor gives the cue “Let's watch”

1st Player stands up and move forward with a frustration tone:“I am out of job, I need to survive.”

2nd Player stands up and move forward with a sincere tone: “I hope I can help, but I don't know how.”

3rd Player stands up and move forward with a confident tone: “Don't worry! With God, all things are possible and I am here to help you.”