Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to the blog for the first round of AD100 PERFORMING ARTS! I hope you're here because you've decided to take this course and I look forward to getting to know you and teaching you in the coming weeks.

Here is a copy of the COURSE SYLLABUS

INSTRUCTOR : Kimberly Creasman
DURATION : 28 August to 24 November 2006

(all course assignments, worksheets and homework will be posted on this site).


An introductory course designed to acquaint the student with various performing arts used in Christian Ministry. A combination of lecture, video and live examples, class participation, performances, readings, and various excercises will be done in class. Wear comfortable clothing in which you can move easily.

This course is to provide:

1. A framework of knowledge and appreciation for performing arts used in ministry (various styles of theatre, and dance).
2. Opportunity to experience a variety of styles as a performer, and/or for use as a director in developing and leading performers.

  1. •Reaction paper to chapter 1 & 2 of the textbook Drama Ministry, Steve Pederson (below). Due 5 September
  2. •Evaluation of 5 published scripts on Christian themes (evaluation form attached, Sketch Collections on reserve in the library) Due 26 September
  3. •100 pages of reading from the selected reading list. Review and Rection of a minimum: 300 words. Due 24 October
2. Three Quizzes will be given on content of textbook and material covered in class (mostly covering terminology) Dates: 19 September, 3 October, 24 October, 14 November
3. Regular and faithful attendance is required at all sessions.
4. Complete all reading assignments and homework.
5. Active participation in class activities and discussions.
6. Course “Exam” (student’s choose one of the following):

  • an in class performance of an original piece that can somehow be used in ministry (up to 8 minutes, and may be done in a group of up to 3 people) Printed script due: 14 November, Performance on either 14 or 21 November
  • an oral and creative presentation of the content of one of the chapters from the selected reading list (minimum 5 minutes) Due: TBA
  • a written reaction paper to an entire book from the selected reading list. Due: TBA

1. Exam 40%
2. Assignments 40%
3. Class participation 10%
4. Class Attendance 10%
4. Extra Credit +5%
(for posting assignments to the blog by the due date. +5% for each assignment )

Course Materials

Pederson, Steve, Drama Ministry: Practical Help for Making Drama a Vital Part of Your Church, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1999.

Collected sample scripts, articles and vocabulary lists from the instructor.

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