Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quiz 3: Playback Theatre & Reader’s Theatre

NOTE: There are no “correct answers” for these exercises. It’s just an opportunity for you to show that you’ve learned about using these 2 forms, and give you a chance to be creative. AND share your inspiration in a way we can share with others. Post your answers as comments to the following entries. I suggest you first type it out as a document on your own computer and save it before pasting it as a comment in the class blog.

PART I: Playback Theatre

1. You are the “conductor” for an evening of playback theatre and the topic is:
“The Body: Celebrating what Fellowship Among Followers of Jesus Can Be.”

What might you do to help warm up the group (audience and players) to this theme and get them more ready to start sharing their stories?


Anonymous said...

If I were the conductor, the very first warm up I’d use is sound circle. It encourages
everyone to introduce themselves by saying their name, together with a sound and movement of something they do/like to do. This provides a fun and interactive way to introduce the players and myself to the audience. Especially, if the audience is not a group of people familiar with each other, this way too will enable everyone a better way to remember each other’s name. This warm up is a simple, unconscious way that opens the audience up to using their body and movements individually (by thinking up a movement) and together (by copying another’s movement).
I’d follow up with the game “Who’s in, Who’s out”. It’s an enjoyable and simple game which sees one person step take a step into a circle to say something about themselves (Eg: I work with kids) and others who are similar take a step forward too. This effectively shows us how we are connected to one another.
To loosen up the audience and especially to attune them to think of ways we use our body to fellowship with other believers, I’d sing a familiar childhood tune: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. But I’d change the words to “If you love God and you know it… lend a hand.” Go round the circle, encouraging the audience to think how we could built others up with what we’ve got (Eg: be a shoulder to cry on, wrap my hand round someone in a hug etc). Everyone sings along with the actions (Eg: tap your shoulders, wrap arms round oneself etc).
These three warm-ups, I hope, would ready the group to share their stories revolving round the theme.


WILLIAM said...

Student: William Tan
Quiz 3: Playback Theatre and Reader's Theatre

Playback Theatre

1.If I were the conductor, I will encourage everyone to go around and look for 5 new friends by introducing themselves like; their name, their favourite food, their favourite colours. This is a simple way to “break the ice”, as we take the first step to knowing each other. Next, we sing a few songs with actions.

Example 1:
Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus.
Sit down and whisper if you love my Lord.
Oh I want to know (x2)
If you love my Lord.

Example 2:
Father Abraham had 7 children,
7 Children, had Father Abraham.
I am one of them, and so are you,
Now lets just praise the Lord.
Raise your right, raise your left.

This maybe simple and easy, but it provide fun and interactive way with the audience. An effective tool with action, to help us connect with each other.